What is Ethical Investing for Investors? - ESG | The Report (2024)

What is Ethical Investing for Investors? - ESG | The Report (1)

Ethical investing has been gaining more and more attention recently as investors become increasingly aware of the negative impacts associated with traditional investments, such as those that contribute to deforestation or use unethical practices. If you are a business person looking for an investment strategy that is both financially rewarding and morally responsible, then ethical investing may be an option worth exploring. In this blog post, we will give a comprehensive overview of what ethical investing is, its goals, and how it can help you achieve your financial objectives in a socially and environmentally conscious way.

Ethical investments can help you feel better about what you’re supporting financially. Companies who treat their employees well give them an incentive to work harder and produce more. Investing ethically helps protect our planet from pollution caused by companies that are not employing sustainable business practices. You may also want to look into investing in your community, such as buying locally grown foods and products made by people in your area. This is also considered to be an ethical investment.

  • Why should we invest ethically?
  • The Case for Ethical Investment
  • What is the History of Ethical Investing?
  • Why is there a need for ethical investing?
  • What is the definition of ethical Investing?
  • Understanding Ethical Investing
  • What do ethical investors look for?
  • FAQ

Why should we invest ethically?

For some of us, this is a no-brainer. But if you really need a reason to be ethical, then here are a few good ones.

1. It’s a more responsible way of investing: Ethically investing in companies that are conscious of the environment and prioritize ethical practices is a more socially responsible approach to investing.

2. You’re supporting positive change: Investing ethically can be seen as an act of support for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives that promote positive change.

3. Your investments can have a bigger impact: Investing ethically puts your money to work for positive change and has the potential to make a larger impact than traditional investments since ESG initiatives are often long-term in nature.

4. You’re helping create a better future: The more people that invest ethically, the more likely it is that the world will become a better place. Investing ethically can be an act of hope and belief in a brighter future for all.

5. It’s often more profitable: Surprisingly, research has shown that investing ethically can often yield higher returns than traditional investments. This is because companies who are committed to ESG initiatives tend to have stronger corporate governance and are more likely to be profitable in the long run.

Overall, investing ethically is a great way to use your money in a responsible manner while also helping to create a better future for all. One of the most powerful tools we have as individuals and organizations is money. We can use it to support whatever we want. So why not make it count to making a better future?

The Case for Ethical Investment

The case for ethical investing is very strong. Not only are there moral arguments for investing this way, but it’s also a viable financial strategy that can help you meet your own personal goals. Investing should not be just about making money, but also about doing what is right and helping to shape the future for the better.

When you look at all of these factors combined, it’s an easy sell and makes ethical investment the best choice for investors. Even though we live in a world that often focuses on money first, people can still take control and make other things important as well.

What is the History of Ethical Investing?

To get to the beginning of ethical investing we need to go back to 1608. When motivated by corruption, Isaac Le Maire pioneered the concept of shareholder activism and took action to oppose this injustice. He purchased numerous shares in the Dutch East India Company before being appointed a board position, allowing him to advocate for his own reforms. Since then it has become increasingly popular. But in recent events including the Pandemic, the invasion of Ukraine, and the increase in billion-dollar weather events, the concept of ethical investing has grown exponentially. The simple interpretation is that an investor’s money should not be used to finance activities that have a negative impact on society or the environment.

The roots of ethical investing can be traced back to religious teachings, as many religions encourage their followers to make socially responsible decisions. In the 19th century, some investors began to take a stand against investing in businesses that produced alcohol, tobacco, and weapons. Later on, in the mid-20th century, institutional investors started paying more attention to social and environmental issues when deciding where to put their money. This led to the rise of modern ethical investing practices. Today we find ourselves faced with the existential threat that we have created an unsustainable future for ourselves. And that is why ethical investing is the only way forward. All other choices are unsustainable.

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Why is there a need for ethical investing?

11 reasons why there is a need for ethical investing

1. To promote social justice and fairness

2. To reduce environmental degradation and pollution

3. To ensure that workers have safe working conditions

4. To prevent companies from engaging in unethical practices, such as bribery or corruption

5. To support the development of renewable energy sources

6. To help alleviate poverty through investment in developing countries

7. To support the shift to a more sustainable economy

8. To promote diversity in business ownership and leadership

9. To support local communities through investments in small businesses or community projects

10. To ensure that investors are engaging with companies who uphold human rights and labor standards

11. To ensure that investments are not being made in industries that can have a negative impact on society, such as tobacco or weapons manufacturing.

Ethical investing has a long and rich history. In the mid-19th century, British Quakers were among the first to formally advocate for ethical investing practices, calling for investors to reject securities of companies involved in activities they considered morally wrong. Since then, a variety of organizations and individuals have emerged to promote ethical investing, from socially responsible investment (SRI) pioneers such as the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility in the 1970s to more recent initiatives like impact investing and sustainable, responsible, and impact investing (SRI).

What is the definition of ethical Investing?

The dictionary definition of Ethical Investing is:

“The practice of investing money only in companies that have a positive social and environmental impact, avoiding those that are considered harmful. It is based on the concept that a company’s profits should be directed toward benefiting society as a whole, rather than stockholders.”

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Understanding Ethical Investing

This may sound like Yoda speaking, but if you want to understand ethical investment you first must understand what ethical investing is. Ethical investing has many benefits, but it also requires you to do some research on the companies you are looking to invest in before you can make any decisions.

There are several different types of ethical investments out there, including socially responsible mutual funds, green mutual funds, socially responsible stocks and more. With all of these options come different benefits. You can also benefit by understanding how to invest in ETFs as well. It is best to research each type of ethical investment carefully before making any decisions so you know what your options are and how they can help you achieve your financial goals.

What do ethical investors look for?

When looking for ethical investments, investors typically search for companies that support their moral values. This can include avoiding companies with a negative environmental impact, animal testing, or those that are involved in controversial activities like arms manufacturing. But the best way to uncover which companies are worthy of your investment, look for an ESG score.

What is Ethical Investing for Investors? - ESG | The Report (2)


What is ESG?

When evaluating companies, ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. ESG ratings are the metrics used to measure a company’s ethical standards and can be viewed as an ethical stamp of approval from investors. ESG scores look to assess how well a business is performing in terms of its environmental impact, social responsibility, and corporate governance practices.

What is the environmental rating?

It is dependent on the industry, but environmental rating usually includes a company’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, recycling, and renewable sources of energy. The rating also takes into account the company’s stance on climate change and its approach to reducing plastic pollution. This will also include water consumption, wastewater management, and hazardous chemical usage.

What is the social rating?

This category covers how a company treats its employees, and customers as well as broader issues like human rights and how they interact with the communities they serve. Companies with higher ratings in this area tend to offer fair wages, and good working conditions and maintain positive relationships with their suppliers. They are likely to have policies in place to prevent bribery and corruption.

What is the governance rating?

This score looks at how a company is managed, including its diversity policies, transparency with stakeholders, and executive pay structures. Here, companies are expected to maintain strong corporate governance standards such as strict accounting procedures and sensible risk management practices. It also assesses how much of the company is owned by shareholders and how voting rights are allocated.

5 types of Ethical Investments

There are many different types of ethical investments, but the 5 most common are:

1. Socially Responsible Mutual Funds: These are like traditional mutual funds in that you pool your money with other investors and buy shares of a large number of stocks (similar to how it works with index funds). Socially responsible mutual funds only invest in companies that have an outstanding record for ethical business practices. You can also choose specific industries or sectors to avoid if this is something you are concerned about.

2. Green Mutual Funds: Green mutual funds are similar to regular ethical investments with the only difference being that they focus on environmentally-friendly companies. They also usually eliminate any companies that do not have an outstanding track record for their environmental efforts.

3. Socially Responsible Stocks: As the name suggests, socially responsible stocks only invest in companies that meet certain ethical standards. These could include those with outstanding records on environmental issues or those with great treatment for their employees. You can also use screens to avoid certain industries or economic sectors as well.

4. Sustainable Stocks: This type of investment is similar to socially responsible investing, but it gives you more control. You can choose where and how your money is used with these types of stocks. You also have a better opportunity for returns as well as learning about new opportunities for investors. When companies offer sustainable stocks, that means they are committed to making a positive social and

5. ETFs: Exchange-traded funds are like mutual funds in that they pool money from many different people and buy shares of large amounts of stocks. However, they are also traded like individual securities on the open market just like any other company. This gives investors more flexibility with their investments as well as the opportunity to diversify even further than traditional ethical investing allows.

What is Ethical Investing for Investors? - ESG | The Report (3)

Ethical Investing in Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are an excellent option for the average investor who just wants to invest their money, let it sit, and have it grow. Mutual funds are generally set up to receive your money monthly or on another regular basis depending on how you decide to operate. You can also choose what types of investments you want your mutual fund to be made up of as well as their distribution

Ethical Mutual funds, on the other hand, are mutual funds that do not invest in companies that have been accused of unethical practices. These include those who have been sued for their negligent behavior as well as those who have been involved with environmental disasters. Companies that participate in weapons manufacturing or other industries that hurt society are also not included as part of ethical investing.

In order to participate in an ethical mutual fund, you must be sure to select one that fits your needs. There are several different types of ethical mutual funds, including Socially Responsible Mutual Funds, Green Mutual Funds, and Socially Responsible stocks.

Although ethical investing is the best option for those who care about the impact of their investments on society as well as the environment, it should not be the only type of investment you make. All investments carry some amount of risk, ethical investing is not an exception to this rule.

What’s the Difference?

Ethical, sustainable, and socially responsible investing have many different elements. But if you want to understand the main differences then you need to understand what each of these types of investing is and how it works.

Ethical investment is basically giving your money to a company that has great business ethics and practices. There are different types of ethical investments, including socially responsible mutual funds, green mutual funds, socially responsible stocks, and more.

Socially responsible investing means you invest in companies with outstanding records for their ethical business practices. It is similar to ethical investing, but it has more of a focus on environmental issues.

Sustainable investing is similar to ethical and socially responsible investing because it looks for companies with great business practices. The main difference is that sustainable investment gives you more control over your money.

How to ethically invest in emerging markets?

There are emerging markets and then there are ethical emerging markets. The important thing to know about ethical emerging markets is that they are as safe as any other market. Ethical investing is not just about checking a box and then diving into the market. It is also about being a smart investor and making good choices with your money.

Here are some helpful tips on how to invest ethically in emerging markets:

1. Do not try to time the market. This is a common mistake many investors make. No one knows where the market will go; you’ll never be certain of anything at any given time unless you are psychic. You might think you have the timing down right, but then the market does something unexpected and it costs you money.

2. Consider mutual funds if you are investing in ethical emerging markets for the first time. Mutual funds are a great way to invest because they come with professional management that watches over your investments while gaining access to a multitude of investments.

3. If you are looking for a broader investment, then consider an exchange-traded fund (ETF). These are based on indexes that give you access to many different types of investments at once. They have low expenses and tax benefits as well.

4. Understand that ethical investing does not ensure safety, so be sure you only invest what you can afford to lose. This is especially true with emerging markets where there are more risks involved than in developed ones.

5. Stick with your investing plan and do not get discouraged if the market goes against you. Even experienced investors sometimes make mistakes; this is called being human.

Ethical Investing in the United States

Ethical investment practices in the United States began around 1982. Socially responsible mutual funds emerged after the enactment of The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), which allowed for the creation of retirement plans that excluded certain companies due to their business practices, policies, or actions.

Since then, ethical investment has become a popular option for Americans. In fact, one survey found that around 40% of Americans showed interest in investing their money ethically, while another found that 92% of respondents think it is important to invest in companies with strong ethical practices.

The rise and extent of ethical investing in the United States has proven that it is possible to be profitable while investing in companies with good business ethics.

Today, ethical investments in the United States come in many different forms and are focused on the environment, human rights, and animal welfare. There are also funds that invest in companies with diverse workforces and environmental aspects of a company.

Investing Ethically in Canada

In Canada, investments with an ethical bias can be found at banks, investment firms, and even online. Most ethical investing in Canada is done through socially responsible mutual funds or ETFs. As with the United States, these funds focus on environmental factors such as sustainable development and climate change.

The history of ethical investing in Canada started in the late 1980’s and and grew to the early 2000’s. It was around this time that Canada started to realize the importance of ethical investing in terms of its economic growth, market performance, and social development.

Some of the most common areas in which Canadians invest ethically are renewable energy, sustainable food supply, the healthcare industry, life sciences, and technology sectors.

What are 3 examples of ethical investments?

Making money through ethical investments can be done in a number of ways. The first is investing in mutual funds that favor companies that do not invest in the tobacco, alcohol, or weapons industry, for example.

Another way to make money through ethical investing is by investing in green technology such as alternative energy sources such as solar power and wind power. Both of these options are profitable because they are growing industries with low entry barriers.

Ethical investing can also be applied to different areas of your life, including your workplace. By choosing to work for a company that invests ethically or spends money on companies that promote ethical practices, you can benefit from financial growth as well as professional development.

Measuring Ethics in Investing

Measuring ethics in the business world can be challenging. It is important to remember that different companies have different values and ethics, depending on what is most profitable for their specific industry.

For instance, a mining company may not value ethical business practices as much as a clean energy sector. This does not necessarily mean that their products are harmful to the environment, but it is more of a reflection of how they try to compete in order to stay profitable.

What is most important for investors is to find out the values behind each company before committing any money. This is why learning how to do proper research is important.

It is also recommended that investors choose companies that are more transparent about their business practices and where they spend their money. Once you do your own research, you can determine whether or not a company’s values align with your own ethics as an investor.

In the end, investing ethically is a personal choice and it all comes down to the risks you are willing to take. The most important thing to remember is that there are ways of making money ethically, as long as you put in the time and effort into researching your options as an investor.

The Results of Ethical Investing

There are lots of reasons to invest ethically, but here are the top five benefits of ethical investments.

1. You can earn more money via financial growth or by finding work that fits your values.

2. Money you invest ethically will help shape the future of business and society by promoting social progress and environmental sustainability.

3. When you invest ethically, you are protecting your money against companies with unethical practices that may cause a loss in the future.

4. When you invest ethically, you are shaping your future by investing in companies that have a positive social and environmental impact on the world around you.

5. Finally, when you invest ethically, it will make you feel better about yourself since ethical investments require more effort especially if you are doing your own research on where to invest.

You will also want to read What Are Sustainable Investing Companies

The Last Word on Practicing Ethical Investment

Investing ethically is a great way to ensure that the money you put into the business world is protected and used for good causes that promote societal growth, environmental sustainability, and positive social change.

If you find the right companies to invest in, ones that share your values and priorities as an investor, it can lead to greater financial growth and more jobs for people who share those values as well. It will also help shape the future by investing in companies that are making a positive impact on our world.

Caveats, disclaimers, ethic sustainable investing & define ethical investment

We have covered many topics in this article and want to be clear that any reference to, or mention of assets managed, ethically, traditional funds, preferences, investing, positive, gains, just what, most robo advisors, products, other investors, individual circ*mstances, informational purposes, investing, fund, portfolio, research or securities in the content of this article is purely for informational purposes and not to be misconstrued with investment advice or personal opinion. Thank you for reading.

What is Ethical Investing for Investors? - ESG | The Report (4)

Author Bio

Research & Curation

Dean Emerick is a curator on sustainability issues with ESG The Report, an online resource for SMEs and Investment professionals focusing on ESG principles. Their primary goal is to help middle-market companies automate Impact Reporting with ESG Software. Leveraging the power of AI, machine learning, and AWS to transition to a sustainable business model. Serving clients in the United States, Canada, UK, Europe, and the global community. If you want to get started, don’t forget to Get the Checklist! ✅

I'm Dean Emerick, a curator specializing in sustainability issues with ESG The Report. My expertise lies in ethical investing, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles, and impact reporting. I've been deeply involved in researching and promoting responsible investment strategies that align with both financial goals and moral values. Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the provided article.

Ethical Investing Overview:

Ethical investing has gained traction due to awareness of negative impacts from traditional investments. It emphasizes financial rewards coupled with moral responsibility. This approach supports companies treating employees well, avoids pollution, and encourages local community investment.

Why Invest Ethically:

  1. Responsible Investing: Ethical investing prioritizes companies conscious of the environment and ethical practices.
  2. Support for Positive Change: Seen as support for ESG initiatives promoting positive environmental and social change.
  3. Impactful Investments: Ethical investments can have a larger and long-term impact on positive change.
  4. Contributing to a Better Future: Aligns with a belief in creating a better future through responsible investments.
  5. Potential for Higher Returns: Surprisingly, research suggests ethical investments can yield higher returns due to strong governance.

History of Ethical Investing:

Ethical investing traces back to the 17th century, with roots in religious teachings and 19th-century stands against businesses in alcohol, tobacco, and weapons. Modern ethical investing emerged in the mid-20th century, driven by institutional investors' attention to social and environmental issues.

Need for Ethical Investing:

The article outlines 11 reasons, including promoting social justice, reducing environmental degradation, ensuring safe working conditions, preventing unethical practices, supporting renewable energy, alleviating poverty, and promoting diversity.

Definition of Ethical Investing:

Ethical investing is defined as investing in companies with a positive social and environmental impact, avoiding those deemed harmful. It aims to direct profits toward benefiting society as a whole.

Understanding Ethical Investing:

Investors need to research various types of ethical investments, such as socially responsible mutual funds, green mutual funds, and socially responsible stocks, to align with financial goals.

What Ethical Investors Look For:

Ethical investors seek companies aligning with their moral values, avoiding those with negative environmental impact or engaging in controversial activities. ESG scores provide a metric for assessing ethical standards.

FAQ - ESG Ratings:

  • Environmental Rating: Includes a company's commitment to reducing emissions, recycling, renewable energy, and stance on climate change.
  • Social Rating: Covers how a company treats employees, customers, human rights, and community interactions.
  • Governance Rating: Examines how a company is managed, including diversity policies, transparency, and executive pay structures.

5 Types of Ethical Investments:

  1. Socially Responsible Mutual Funds
  2. Green Mutual Funds
  3. Socially Responsible Stocks
  4. Sustainable Stocks
  5. ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds)

Ethical Investing in Mutual Funds:

Ethical mutual funds exclude companies accused of unethical practices. Various types, including socially responsible mutual funds, green mutual funds, and socially responsible stocks, cater to different ethical preferences.

Differences Between Ethical, Sustainable, and Socially Responsible Investing:

  • Ethical Investing: Focuses on companies with great business ethics.
  • Socially Responsible Investing: Emphasizes companies with outstanding ethical records, particularly in environmental issues.
  • Sustainable Investing: Provides more control over investments, with a focus on positive social and environmental impact.

How to Ethically Invest in Emerging Markets:

Tips include avoiding market timing, considering mutual funds or ETFs, understanding risks, and sticking to an investing plan.

Ethical Investing in the United States:

Ethical investment practices began in 1982, gaining popularity due to socially responsible mutual funds. Today, ethical investments in the U.S. encompass environmental, human rights, and animal welfare focus areas.

Ethical Investing in Canada:

Canada embraced ethical investing in the late 1980s to early 2000s. Investments focus on renewable energy, sustainable food supply, healthcare, life sciences, and technology sectors.

3 Examples of Ethical Investments:

  1. Mutual Funds Avoiding Harmful Industries
  2. Investing in Green Technology (e.g., Solar and Wind Power)
  3. Choosing Ethical Employers for Professional Development

Measuring Ethics in Investing:

Measuring ethics involves understanding a company's values, transparency, and researching its business practices. Investors should align company values with personal ethics.

The Results of Ethical Investing:

Top five benefits include earning more money, shaping a positive future for business and society, protecting against unethical practices, and feeling better about ethical choices.


Investing ethically is a personal choice with potential financial and societal benefits. Research, transparency, and alignment of values are crucial for making ethical investment decisions.

This overview provides a comprehensive understanding of ethical investing, from its history and definitions to practical tips and benefits.

What is Ethical Investing for Investors? - ESG | The Report (2024)


What is Ethical Investing for Investors? - ESG | The Report? ›

This type of ethical investing strategy helps people align investment choices with personal values. ESG stands for environment, social and governance. ESG investors aim to buy the shares of companies that have demonstrated a willingness to improve their performance in these three areas.

What is the meaning of ethical investing? ›

Ethical investing is an investment strategy where the investor's ethical values (moral, religious, social) are the primary objective, along with good returns. With suspicious and illegal investment deals on the rise, many investors are starting to insist that companies they invest in are socially responsible.

What ESG means for investors? ›

Environmental, social and governance, or ESG investing, is a form of sustainable investing that considers an investment's financial returns and its overall impact. An investment's ESG score measures the sustainability of an investment in three specific categories: environmental, social and corporate governance.

What is ESG consideration for investors? ›

ESG investing looks at how well a company performs in areas like the environment, social issues, and governance issues. This helps investors identify opportunities and risks. On the other hand, socially responsible investing (SRI) focuses on investing in companies that match specific social or ethical values.

What is ESG investing report? ›

ESG Investing (also known as “socially responsible investing,” “impact investing,” and “sustainable investing”) refers to investing which prioritizes optimal environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors or outcomes.

What is the difference between ESG investing and ethical investing? ›

What is ESG Investing? Unlike ethical investing, where you exclude companies associated with negative outcomes, in ESG investing, you choose to invest in companies with high environmental, social and governance scores regardless of whether these companies are associated with negative outcomes.

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When you choose ESG investing, you're putting your money to work in companies that strive to make the world a better place. This type of ethical investing strategy helps people align investment choices with personal values. ESG stands for environment, social and governance.

Why do investors want to invest in ESG? ›

Investors increasingly believe companies that perform well on ESG are less risky, better positioned for the long term and better prepared for uncertainty. Companies that realign to the stakeholder capitalism agenda may have a competitive advantage over those that try to return to business as usual.

Why is ESG reporting important to investors? ›

Companies may detect and control risks related to their operations, supply chain, and investments using ESG reporting. Companies may lessen their risk of reputational harm, regulatory penalties, and legal responsibility by evaluating and disclosing their environmental and social effect.

Why ESG rating is important for investors? ›

An ESG criteria is thought to help investors consider the 'unmeasured' or 'unrepresented' environmental, social and governance topics when making investment decisions. It reveals data that traditional financial analysis doesn't usually capture, speaking to a company's sustainability in its broadest sense.

What is ESG in simple words? ›

ESG means using Environmental, Social and Governance factors to assess the sustainability of companies and countries. These three factors are seen as best embodying the three major challenges facing corporations and wider society, now encompassing climate change, human rights and adherence to laws.

What are the disadvantages of ESG investing? ›

However, there are also some cons to ESG investing. First, ESG funds may carry higher-than-average expense ratios. This is because ESG investing requires more research and due diligence, which can be costly. Second, ESG investing can be subjective.

What are the 3 pillars of ESG? ›

The three pillars of ESG are:
  • Environmental – this has to do with an organisation's impact on the planet.
  • Social – this has to do with the impact an organisation has on people, including staff and customers and the community.
  • Governance – this has to do with how an organisation is governed. Is it governed transparently?

Who is behind ESG? ›

The term ESG first came to prominence in a 2004 report titled "Who Cares Wins", which was a joint initiative of financial institutions at the invitation of the United Nations (UN).

Does ESG really matter and why? ›

Successful companies are implementing ESG strategies that increase financial, societal, and environmental impact as well as ensure long-term competitiveness.

Who invented ESG? ›

So where does the term ESG come from? The first group to coin the phrase ESG was the United Nations Environment Programme Initiative in the Freshfields Report in October 2005.

Which is the best example of ethical investing? ›

#1 – Investments Based on Social Values

Taking into account societal values and what could be beneficial to society as a whole, prior to making investments is one form of ethical investing. For example, – A co-operative society is the best example of investments based on societal values.

What are the 5 ethical investments? ›

Ethical investing has a few different sub-categories, but at its core, this strategy is a way of investing that aligns with personal ethics. There are 5 main types of ethical investing: ESG (environment, social, and governance), socially responsible, sustainable, impact, and moral.

What is the role of ethics in investing? ›

A strong ethical culture that helps honest, ethical people engage in ethical behavior will foster the trust of investors, lead to robust global capital markets, and ultimately benefit society. That is why ethics matters.

How do you invest in ethical ways? ›

To identify your ethical priorities, consider the issues that matter most to you, such as climate change, human rights, or animal welfare. Use these as a basis for your investment decisions and develop an investment strategy that aligns with your values.


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